Tag Archives: J.R. Ellis

The Canal Murders, by J.R. Ellis

28 Jun
Cover for _The Canal Murder_, showing a narrowboat moored in a canal, between two large stone buildings with stone chimneys, probably part of the old Salts Mill in Saltaire, Yorkshire; the sky is overcast with very dark clouds and just a bit of faint light low in the horizon between the buildings.

Another case of a good cover, name recognition, and good blurb doing its job, leading me to request an ARC.

Beware: copaganda; cancer; death of a child; phonetic spelling to denote old Yorkshire accent/dialect; domestic violence; alcoholism; drug addiction; bisexual character killed.

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The Body in the Dales, by J.R. Ellis

25 Sep
Cover for _The Body in the Dales_ is a moody photograph of a stone wall with a wooden four-step stile, and a stone two-story farm house or cottage in the field beyond, with a dark and story sky overhead. The author's name is in white font and the title in what I cal "murder yellow".

I have no idea what it is about the covers for this series–the moody, almost black-and-white photographs under the dark, stormy clouds? the murder yellow title font?–that calls to me, but call they do, and so here I am.

Beware: suicide on page; occasional phonetic spelling for the Yorkshire accent; some (not unexpected) copaganda.

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