Tag Archives: self published

Catch and Release, by Isabel Murray

25 Apr
Illustrated cover for _Catch and Release_, showing what looks like a green mermaid/merman tail disappearing at the bottom of the cover, with some corals in gradated shades of blue to pink on the sides, and some bubbles bobbing upwards, on a deep blue background.

This is all Erin@TheSmutReport’s fault: she wrote this review, and I had no choice but to read a sample, get hooked (sad pun not intended), buy it, and start reading it on the spot.

Beware: explicit sex on page; swearing; near death by exposure; parents being assholes about mental health; a fantastic grandfather.

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Maybe She Will, by Gina Andrew

24 Apr
The illustrated cover of _Maybe She Will_, sowing a line drawing of a white woman with dark brown hair in a updo, wearing an of the shoulder blue dress that consists of a collage of small squares and rectangles in different shades of mostly blues, with a few patches of pale orange, yellow, marron, etc. The background is a collage made of very pale, sepia and cream colored squares, some of them with blue, maroon, pale orange dots.

Look at that cover. Just. Look.

Beware: people being awful to an autistic boy having a meltdown in public; parent walking out of children’s lives; minor character being in a years-long affair with her married boss; there’s some heavy petting, but no explicit sex on the page.

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Lakota Dreaming, by Constance Gillam

22 Mar

Book one

Cover for _Lakota Dreaming_, showing the ghostly outline of a feather over a peaceful (or melancholy, depending on your perspective) desert landscape as the sun sets in the distance and an eagle's silhouette hovers high in the sky. The tagline reads, "two women separated by time, bound by blood, linked by violence...rescued by love"

Since my first choice for this month’s TBR Challenge was a resounding failure, I’m giving this ARC by an entirely new-to-me author a try: the heroine has just been fired, and is taking the “opportunity” to travel from New York to a reservation in South Dakota.

Beware: HFN, magical Native Americans, swearing, racism, equating evil with mental health issues.

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Ravished, by Sandra Schwab

1 May

I recently bought and inhaled the author’s “The Centurion’s Choice”, which is about two of the secondary characters in this book; it was a given I would then read this one.

Beware: loss of parents, all younger siblings, and the majority of the people in a settlement, due to an epidemic (see footnote 1); explicit sex, including one instance of coercion.

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