A quick hello

26 Jan

I’ve been quite sick this week; the tests say “not COVID”, for which I give thanks.

I think it may have been (still is, sorta?) the terrible flu that public health officials warned us of: between the disruption the pandemic caused in the regular flow of influenza around the globe, which in turn affects the development of new vaccines, and the natural evolution of viruses towards moar horrible!, it was to be expected that we would get this new and more awful flu variant.

At any rate, I haven’t been this miserable since I caught the flu from eldest sibling during my last trip to Mexico in December 2016, which became walking pneumonia by January 2017; the only mercy this time around is that there has been no cough. Only pain, insomnia, fever, and a brain that felt as if it were sloshing inside my skull.

Don’t like, would not recommend.

At any rate, I am feeling better, and hope to finish the non-fiction book I’m reading by tonight, so I can post a review tomorrow–work permitting and the creek don’t rise.

* * * *

P.S.: I’m convinced it wasn’t worse *because* I am up to date with all the vaccines I’m supposed to get at my age, and because I wear a mask–the best I can afford and that fits to seal around my rather small face–everywhere I go ::sending ferocious side-eye to the blood bank, where masks are “optional”::

14 Responses to “A quick hello”

  1. Miss Bates 26/01/2024 at 11:34 AM #

    A comfortable recovery to you, my dear. I’ve been sick this past week (and if you’ve seen “posts,” they were written during my Christmas break, so I hear you about posting) as well: took more time off work than ever before in my life.

    • azteclady 26/01/2024 at 11:44 AM #

      I am so sorry, Kay, I hope you can recover in peace and calm.

      • Miss Bates 26/01/2024 at 2:34 PM #

        Thank you, you too. It’s that time of year when we all carry and share all manner of viruses, especially in stay-in-till-April Canada.

  2. whiskeyinthejar 26/01/2024 at 12:45 PM #

    I feel like January really came for us all this year. People that have been careful since Covid and have managed to mostly escape being sick seem to all be posting that they’re sick this month.
    Happy to hear that you’re feeling better and on the way to feeling fully like yourself!

    • azteclady 26/01/2024 at 1:31 PM #

      Thank you; here's wishing for a healthy rest of the year for us all.

  3. twooldfartstalkingromance 26/01/2024 at 2:34 PM #

    Be gentle with yourself and don’t rush.

    • azteclady 26/01/2024 at 2:54 PM #

      ❤ ❤ ❤

      No worries, I'm taking it very easy here (mostly because I can't do that work-wise, and so I have to conserve my energy)

  4. S. 27/01/2024 at 4:29 AM #

    Ohhh, being sick makes one’s energy disappear…
    I can only send you a virtual hug and well wishes!!

  5. Jen 01/02/2024 at 2:16 PM #

    Oh, I’m sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well. I swear the “no covid, no flu, no strep” but still coughing and sick thing is real this year. Even for those up-to-date on vaccines. My son has had an upper respiratory thing for three months (of course he’s in college, living in a dorm). Anyhow, I hope you are on the road to 100% and feel better sooner than later!

  6. SuperWendy 03/02/2024 at 7:34 PM #

    I’m late and catching up – but I hope you’re on the mend now. The last “not COVID” cold I had damn near killed me (I swear). What I’ve had to come to accept is that I’m not young anymore and can’t just “power through” like I used to. No Wendy, you need to take some time off. You need to rest. Otherwise whatever plague you have will just linger. Easier said than done I’m afraid, because stubborn 🙄

    • azteclady 03/02/2024 at 7:43 PM #

      I definitely cannot "power through" anything anymore, but sadly, given that I'm paid by the hour (and corporate's new sick days policy is that you have to earn them over the calendar year), I had to work while sick.

      I'm still not back to whatever passes for normal for me these days (my sleep schedule is shot), but I am better.


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