Tag Archives: 1869

Disturbing the Dead, by Kelley Armstrong

31 May
The cover for _Disturbing the Dead_ is divided vertically with a red "slash" that goes slightly diagonally from right to left; on the left section, about half the face of a white woman with very light blue eyes and long light hair looks out. On the right section there's a night scene showing a narrow cobbled street with stone buildings, and the silhouette of a man wearing a long coat and top hat, and holding a cane, walking away.

And now I really have to wait a full year for the next in the series–gaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!.

Beware: racism; xenophobia; domestic violence; misogyny.

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“Cocktails & Chloroform” by Kelley Armstrong

25 May
Cover for "Cocktails and Chloroform" by Kelley Armstrong, showing a white blonde girl dressed in a vaguely Victorian lacy white gown, looking over her shoulder at the reader. Close by, slightly obscured by some wisps of fog, there's a dark haired man wearing a dark coat with a white cravat at the throat. They are standing in a narrow street with stone houses on either side, and a gas light lit further ahead.

Yes, I am glomming this series, which I’ll regret when I have to wait a year for the next book; alas, this is the life of a reader.

Beware: threat of rape; kidnapping; domestic violence.

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The Poisoner’s Ring, by Kelley Armstrong

24 May
Cover for _The Poisoner's Ring_; the image is divided as follows: the top right corner shows a woman, mostly shoulders and head, looking at the viewer over her shoulders; her hair is long and down and she's wearing modern clothing (like a hoodie). The rest of the cover shows a misty urban scape in the background at dusk or early evening, and a woman dressed in 1800s clothing in the foreground, walking on a cobblestone street or road, away from the viewer; she is mostly just a silhouette, with very little details of her dress coming through, and nothing about her identity, other than she's wearing a small hat with some sort of feathers on top, and that her skirts has a sizable bustle and many ruffles. She might be holding a package in front of her.

Because I’m a contrary so-and-so, it took me a couple of years after publication to finally read Kelley Armstrong’s A Rip Through Time. I tore through it two weeks ago, and when I saw that this one was on sale, I snapped it up.

Beware: racism; misogyny; domestic abuse; alcoholism; claustrophobia.

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A Rip Through Time, by Kelley Armstrong

6 May
Cover for _A Rip Through Time_; the background is the silhouette of a white woman with long, probably reddish brown hair worn loose; inside it, a nighttime scene where a man in a top hat and long coat, holding a cane, is walking through stone pillars; there are a few birds in the stormy sky and a short denuded tree to the side.

I have heard other readers sing praises over Ms Armstrong’s writing for years; as I am not a fan of Young or New Adult, I gave her work a pass for years. Then, a few years ago, this cover caught my eye–just look at it! After reading the blurb, it was a given that I would request an ARC (time travel? sign me up!), which I was very happy to get.

Beware: first person, present tense narration; phonetic spelling for a Scots accent; racism; sexism: xenophobia

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