Tag Archives: drug addiction

The Canal Murders, by J.R. Ellis

28 Jun
Cover for _The Canal Murder_, showing a narrowboat moored in a canal, between two large stone buildings with stone chimneys, probably part of the old Salts Mill in Saltaire, Yorkshire; the sky is overcast with very dark clouds and just a bit of faint light low in the horizon between the buildings.

Another case of a good cover, name recognition, and good blurb doing its job, leading me to request an ARC.

Beware: copaganda; cancer; death of a child; phonetic spelling to denote old Yorkshire accent/dialect; domestic violence; alcoholism; drug addiction; bisexual character killed.

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Rock Wedding, by Nalini Singh

15 May
Cover for _Rock Wedding_, showing a black and white photograph of a Black man, wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, sitting barefoot at a piano, presumably playing.

When at first you don’t succeed, you slam your head against a wall repeatedly (aka, my second try at SuperWendy’s May TBR Challenge: reading something by an author I had given up on–spoiler: it worked surprisingly well!); this ARC has been sitting unread in my kindle since mid-2016.

Beware: swearing; explicit sex on page; alcoholism; drug addiction; second chance; death of a child (sibling); death of parents; cancer; miscarriage; stillbirth; emotional abuse/manipulation; intimate partner violence; relentless heteronormativity.

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Rock Redemption, by Nalini Singh

2 Dec

Rock RedemptionAs most of my regular readers know, I am a fan of Nalini Singh’s Psy/Changeling stories. I have not only read every one of those books; I’ve written fairly positive reviews for all of the full length novels in the series, as well a for a few of the short stories set in the same universe.

I have also read, enjoyed greatly, and reviewed, the first three installments of the Rock Kiss series.

There was no way on earth I wasn’t going to get the next book.

And so, a while back–well before it was released–I asked for, and received, an ARC of this story.

Unfortunately, the reading slump from Hell got in the way; later on, life got in the way, and so on, and so forth. To make an already long story a wee bit less so, here’s a very belated review, filed under “better late than never (maybe).”

caveats: I seem to have read a different book than the one I’ve seen reviewed (yes, that’s a hint–don’t read on if you are easily offended); one of the protagonists is a survivor of child abuse, explicit sex on page; drug addiction; alcoholism; mention of miscarriage by secondary character. Read on at your own risk.

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