Tag Archives: Jude Deveraux

A Rip Through Time, by Kelley Armstrong

6 May
Cover for _A Rip Through Time_; the background is the silhouette of a white woman with long, probably reddish brown hair worn loose; inside it, a nighttime scene where a man in a top hat and long coat, holding a cane, is walking through stone pillars; there are a few birds in the stormy sky and a short denuded tree to the side.

I have heard other readers sing praises over Ms Armstrong’s writing for years; as I am not a fan of Young or New Adult, I gave her work a pass for years. Then, a few years ago, this cover caught my eye–just look at it! After reading the blurb, it was a given that I would request an ARC (time travel? sign me up!), which I was very happy to get.

Beware: first person, present tense narration; phonetic spelling for a Scots accent; racism; sexism: xenophobia

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