A little Nightmare

16 Mar
A tortoishell cat shot from above and to the side, as she sits on one side of the open hardcover book I was reading; she has a very dark face without the usual color split, except on her the right side of her chin, where a bit of very light cream is visible from this angle.

Meet Nightmare, my cat.

And she is little; no more than seven pounds at her healthiest.

She was just over six at her weigh-in at the emergency vet yesterday afternoon.

Why the emergency vet? you may ask, and I’m here to tell you: I had planned to take her to my regular vet on Monday, but her symptoms got suddenly worse yesterday; by the time I got her to his office, it was almost end of business hours; he is not a young man, and doesn’t do after hours or weekends (and he’s earned he right to limit his office hours). Ergo, emergency vet.

Long story short, my cat had to have emergency surgery last night; her prognosis is good, and I should be able to bring her home today in the early afternoon. (ETA: vet called just after 7am, scaring the hell out of me, to say I can bring her home in a couple of hours) (Further ETA: we are home)

The actual nightmare comes from the fact that the base estimate for this is about five weeks of my take home wages–and that only after I broke down crying while trying to explain that I simply can’t afford their original quote, which was almost double that. (footnote 2)

To be clear: I don’t begrudge the emergency vet clinic their prices; it’s a business that needs to make enough money to keep the doors open and personnel at the ready, even when no one shows up. Essentially, those who can afford it, keep the lights on for everyone.

But the reality is that, despite working for a large corporation for years (a decade come mid May), and earning well above the federal minimum wage per hour, I still bring home so little that something like this is a real strain on my finances.

Today I pay about 160% for power than what I did on January 2023; my internet, car insurance, mortgage, and homeowner’s association fees have all gone up, as have my payroll deductions for health insurance. Food prices go up every week. Meanwhile, my last annual “merit raise” was 1%, and I didn’t get it until June; it’s mid-March, and there’s no telling when or if we’ll see any raise at all this year.

All this to say: there’s very little give in the budget at Casa Aztec, and what little there is, I have been putting into my “to tide us over between when the day job lays me off and when I find something, anything, that pays enough to live on” fund (more details here). And that cushion is gone now.

Here’s the thing, though: I’m so lucky! This could have been infinitely worse.

First, I have credit cards with high enough limits that I could charge this. Yes, the interest is horrible, and there will be further belt-tightening happening here; but: if I had to take a payday loan for something like this? I would easily lose my house trying to pay that off. This is setting me back, for certain, but it’s not likely to bankrupt me.

Second, this is a cat. If the vet had not agreed to give me a significant discount (essentially, a lot of padding was taken off that first, and second, and third quote), I could have said, “please put her to sleep”. (footnote 1)

Imagine this same scenario with a child, or a spouse, or an elderly parent, either injured in an accident, suffering some sort of health event, or developing a chronic condition (hello, COVID sequelae and LongCOVID), and having to pay obscene amounts of money out of pocket to try and keep them alive, maybe even just for a night, or a week, or a month.

Millions of people in “the wealthiest country on the history of Earth” are in that position every day; if the patient is an adult, in some states they may make the decision to “refuse care” and die in pain at home, in order not to bankrupt their families. Many patients are not adults, of course, but the point is: no human being should have to make that choice, period.

There is more than enough wealth in the fucking world that no one should have to work themselves to an early grave just to keep soul and body together so precariously that one medical crisis can destroy their lives.

And yet, this is where we are.

Fuck capitalism.

* * * *

And, because this is an election year–and not just for President, by the way–this is where I say: do not use your vote to ‘punish’ the less-than-perfect, not-a-fascist candidates. When you do, the first people you are fucking over, are the people who are already suffering. Don’t be that asshole. (Also: a ‘protest vote’ will eventually bit *you* in the ass too; just ask all the working-stiff Brexiteers how their bacon is cooking these days.)

* * * *

1 I have had to make that choice once before; it was horrible, but just the emergency visit and the drugs to put her to sleep were the equivalent (then) of six weeks’ wages, and I was already accruing credit card interest from not making enough money to live on, while working “full time” in food service (a rant for another day).

2 I won’t know the final total until I pick her up; I had to put 75% of the third amount they showed me on my credit card, with the understanding that they’ll ‘try’ not to go over the full amount. ETA: another $60 on pickup, which is nothing in the big picture, and less than the bigger estimated amount.

24 Responses to “A little Nightmare”

  1. twooldfartstalkingromance 16/03/2024 at 7:13 AM #

    At least she’ll be fine. But this is too much of our reality: one emergency and your financial situation becomes dire.

    • azteclady 16/03/2024 at 7:20 AM #

      It’s so enraging, because it’s designed, literally, to keep the downtrodden down.

  2. S. 16/03/2024 at 12:39 PM #


    I do commiserate with you….

    My cat is 12 this year, clearly not young anymore… I have a garden/backyard so I never had to teach him into using a litter box. In late November he showed up one night with his back legs crooked. I made an appointment at a hospital vet, he stayed there for 5 days, plus meds and vet services and so on, it was around 350€ (380 dollars?)

    He came home, he was doing ok, eating well and all that. January 3rd I left him in a closed storage room in the garden – although the door was not locked – where he had his things. The morning after he was in a different place, had blood on his fur and didn’t seem to be able to move well. I had a vet revaluation that day so I waited and when the vet saw him told me he had been attacked by another cat.

    He stayed at the hospital for more than a month, he had a bacteria, he had pancreatitis, they told me so many things, he had to so so many procedures, that I cannot even remember everything. Even with some discount they were kind to give me, for his treatment and meds and a surgery, he stayed there from january 4th to february 14th, the total cost was around 2000€.

    If I had to pay rent or if I had children, I would not be able to pay to help my animal. I won’t tell you how many times I cried when I left him after visiting because I thought he might not make it anyway. Like you said, I am not complaining about the vet prices, I think they are more than fair, especially at a teaching hospital. But the salaries in average cannot pay for these things.

    On politics….. we had government elections here last sunday. the right wing won, with an unimaginable rise of extreme right deputies from 12 to 48. They cannot be government, but they can influence choices. How many more European countries will do the same, plus the ones which already did?

    Who/What powers are working behind the scenes to provoke these voting for “protest”? Who gains from having wars ongoing?


    The world is scary and even if I didn’t have personal reasons to not want children, this is a good reason alone.

    • S. 16/03/2024 at 12:40 PM #

      How silly, I forgot to ask!!!

      How is Nightmare now?

      • azteclady 16/03/2024 at 2:00 PM #

        Thank you, she’s better; she’s supposed to keep the cone for two weeks, she already got it off several times.

    • azteclady 16/03/2024 at 1:59 PM #

      As you said, the rise of the right worldwide is terrifying.

      I hope your cat is doing much better.

  3. tisreina 16/03/2024 at 12:55 PM #

    Hoping you and Nightmare have space and time to recover.

    My sister and I saw a sign a few weeks ago at some old train tracks: 100 miles to derail. Sometimes it feels like we’re closer than that, and some people are already crashed in a ditch.

    • azteclady 16/03/2024 at 2:01 PM #

      Thank you!

      Yes, indeed, I feel we are much, much closer.

  4. Jazzlet 16/03/2024 at 3:12 PM #

    Vet costs are what gives me an idea of how awful it is for you in the USA when it comes to paying for your health care. I have had dogs (looking for a new-to-us one now) German Shepherds – a lot end up in rescue when the owners can’t cope with the teenage years. Our biggest bill was for a snapped cruciate ligament, nearly £4,000 because the bigger the animal the bigger the bill. We could pay it, not through any “virtue” or hard work or any of that rubbish, but because we were lucky enough to be born with the right kind of brains at a time when the UK not only paid university tuition fees, but gave you a grant for your living expenses too. However we have both been out of work, and I had my benefits suspended at one point. I have never forgotten that period, nor the simple joy of being able to buy some new underwear – I could get everything else second hand, but my undies were rags by the time I got a proper job.

    I too find it difficult not to despair at the state of politics nationally and internationally, sure we’ll get a Labour Government at some point this year, but they have been systematically stripping the left out of the party. Add to that the wanton destruction the Tories have been inflicting on the country and the future seems bleak. I grieve for the struggles of my young relatives, even while knowing they too are privileged with brains, and parental money, and that far too many have it worse in one of the richest nations in the world. We have a ridiculous number of children living in poverty, which doesn’t even make sense on the Tories terms – these kids are literally being stunted mentally and physically which will have life-long impacts.

    Sorry for the rant, I know things are worse in many parts of the USA for many people and I fear for you too.

    I am very glad to hear Nightmare is home. Is she actually bothering her wound? If she is could you wrap her in something tight fitting like a baby t-shirt? From the size of her a tiny baby t-shirt. Probably a silly idea, but you know how one wants to help.

    • azteclady 16/03/2024 at 3:32 PM #

      Don’t apologize for ranting here; this is a safe space to vent about the miseries of the present that are forming our future in a way that fills us with terror.

      Best of luck with your pet hunt, I hope you find the absolutely best dog for your household.

      And the suggestion is not silly at all; I will look into it, because I think it’s likely to work much better than the cone. And if it doesn’t work, well, I can put the accursed contraption back on.

      • Jazzlet 16/03/2024 at 4:54 PM #

        I’ve known it to work for dogs because they can’t get their back paws under the edge if the t-shirt or baby-gro. Cats are of course both more agile and equipped with sharper claws, so some of that stretchy self-adhesive wrap might help. Good luck and patience, keeping pets sufficiently inactive while they heal is hard work.

      • azteclady 16/03/2024 at 5:25 PM #

        I’m getting a cheap pack of preemie onesies, and I’ll cut out a hole for her tail and other works, but the snaps should work to keep it on. Fingers crossed, and thank you for the suggestion!

      • azteclady 17/03/2024 at 6:34 PM #

        THANK YOU, Jazzlet, this suggestion was absolute genius.

        She doesn’t much care for wearing the onesie, but she cares much less for the cone; with the onesie, she can move around without snagging herself into everything, she can eat and drink water with much more ease, and (TMI some people who don’t own pets may find gross) she can clean herself–there has been some (expected) discharge from her vulva that I’ve been trying to clean, but that had been annoying her on many levels. However, the cloth is long enough and snug enough for her not to be able to lick the incision, which is also now just that bit more protected from regular environmental hazards.

        Seriously, thank you

      • Jazzlet 18/03/2024 at 3:33 PM #

        I am glad the suggestion worked! It sounds as if you found a perfect size for her, I’m sure she’ll be less stressed being able to clean herself, as well as feed easily, and therefore heal better.

        I don’t know why vets don’t offer at least the idea given how many animals hate cones. Come to that I hate cones, having bigger dogs means bigger cones that hit my thigh with at least 35lb of weight behind them, I get lovely curved bruises in a row up my leg from just above my knee, so elegant.

      • azteclady 18/03/2024 at 4:11 PM #


        I have seen some vets offer “eco cones” which are softer, thus allowing the cat or dog almost full range of movement, while still protecting most abdominal incisions, but for my money, a good onesie actually designed and made for pets would be a much better solution for the vast majority of cases.

        (given the shoulder design in human onesies, the poor cat looks fairly ridiculous, but whatever, it works!)

  5. ArtK 16/03/2024 at 5:22 PM #

    Very glad Nightmare is ok. It’s scary and the cost of stuff just makes it even worse.

    • azteclady 16/03/2024 at 5:26 PM #

      Art! ❤ (I was thinking about you just a few minutes ago!)

      It was scary, but I'm really lucky that, today, I could afford, literally, to make the decision to help her.

  6. SuperWendy 17/03/2024 at 7:44 PM #

    Oh my, I’m glad Nightmare is doing better – but oof. That’s stressful.

    Back when I was still working a public service desk I can’t tell you how many people I saw in the library every day where I just knew that one emergency would slide them right off the grid. Disheartening – and frankly enough to induce rage every time I hit the ballot box.

    • azteclady 17/03/2024 at 8:17 PM #

      Funny you should mention rage; I’m wearing my “June is Pride, November is WRATH–Vote Angry” t-shirt today.

      Because holy gog, yes.

  7. willaful 18/03/2024 at 1:57 AM #

    I’m out of words so sending you all the hugs.

    • azteclady 18/03/2024 at 3:25 AM #

      (it's okay, I don't need the words when I feel the caring across the continent)

  8. Jen 18/03/2024 at 1:38 PM #

    I’m sorry you and Nightmare had to go through this, but I am glad she’s getting better. If you are willing, I’d love to send a few dollars to help pay down the bill. I am fortunate that I am financially stable (for now) and food/shelter secure. I love pets, especially cats and understand that bond between pet and “parent.”

    As for the election… GRRRRR… I get so mad at the punitive (or just won’t vote) voter. WHYYYYY????? Do they not understand what is at stake? I am so very afraid.

    • azteclady 18/03/2024 at 1:50 PM #

      Thank you; this is a very kind offer, and I do appreciate it, but we will manage.

      Election: GRRRRRR indeed; and ditto; so very afraid.


  1. Post-surgery Nightmare | Her Hands, My Hands - 19/03/2024

    […] all the drama on Friday evening, Nightmare is doing much better; her incision is dry and hasn’t bruised nor swelled, and […]

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