Tag Archives: 2020s

The Marlow Murder Club, by Robert Thorogood

17 Jun
Cover for _The Marlow Murder Club_, shows the silhouette of a house, probably a row house with several stories and multitude of chimneys, as a block of muted brick red color over a background of very light pale rose; inside the house, there are white squares arranged in crisscrossing rows and columns, reminiscent of cryptics and crossword puzzles. Some of the squares are filled in with letters that look like handwriting, spelling the title of the book, and there's a silhouette of a woman walking down a staircase while holding a flashlight aloft, with the cone of light in yellow, pointed somewhere overhead and in front of her. In small blocky white font, slightly to the side, it reads "some puzzles can be fatal". Below the house, in black font, the name of the author runs across the bottom of the cover.

Please look at that cover. As a mystery reader, there was no way I would not check out the book based on that alone; the heroine was just so much icing, so of course I requested an ARC.

Beware: alcoholism; depression; fatphobia; copaganda; domestic abuse as backstory.

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Not Here to Make Friends, by Jodi McAlister

15 Jun
Illustrated cover for _Not Here to Make Friends_, showing a light skinned woman with long dark hair, standing in a spotlight while wearing a fabulous purple gown and high heels, while there's a light skinned man with light brown hair  in jeans and a t-shirt, holding papers, and wearing a mic off to the side. The tagline reads, "she's the one they love to hate. He's the one she shouldn't love."

This is not a terrible cover, as cartoon covers go, but I requested an ARC of this because of the author, whom I knew slightly, and whose work has been recommended to me more than once.

Full disclosure: back when I was on twitter (see footnote 1), I was friendly with the author. We weren’t particularly friendly, mostly we both followed several of the same people, from back when blogs were much more of a thing.

Beware: enough swearing to make me proud; sex on page; disordered eating; racism; alcoholism; death of a spouse; grief; guilt; mental health issues.

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Death on Board, by Pauline Rowson

13 Jun
Cover for _Death on Board_, showing two wood fishing boats pulled on a dark pebbled beach; the background is an expanse of water and a distant coastline, under moody and stormy skies. There's an insinuation of light on the far horizon.

Look at that cover. Of course I had to check out the blurb, and from there to requesting an ARC it was but a very short step.

Beware: phonetic spelling to indicate accents; PTSD, copaganda; miscarriages; death of an infant; depression; mental health issues; suicide on page; sexual coercion/rape; xenophobia; antisemitism.

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A Duke Makes a Deal, by Matilda Madison

11 Jun
Cover for _A Duke Makes a Deal_, shows a slender blonde white woman, wearing a vivid royal blue period gown with a deep square neckline and very short cap sleeves, standing in a room (probably a library) illuminated by a many-armed candelabra with all its candles lit, as well as by the diffuse light coming in from a window farther in the back of the room. On the same table as the candelabra, there's a wooden box, open to reveal neat rows of colorful playing tokens (also known as casino chips)

I love the blue of the cover, and was intrigued by the blurb, so I requested an ARC, without knowing anything else about the author.

Beware: acute social anxiety; gambling addiction; kink shaming; instalust; dominance play; evil other woman; explicit vanilla sex.

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