Romancing the Vote, 2024 edition

8 Jan
The words "romancing the vote" in fancy pink  and blue script; below in black print, "supporting the right to vote for everyone"

With six out of nine SCOTUS justices in Trump’s pocket, it’s clear his name will be on the ballot on November 5, 2024, and so, we continue the existential fight for democracy in the U.S.–flawed, unfair, and downright cruel as it is–and the people behind Romancing the Vote are, once again, ready to go above and beyond.

Are you in?

* * * *

If you have no idea what I’m talking about: the four women behind three well-known genre romance author names organized an auction, in a matter of hours, that raised almost half a million dollars in late December 2020 by the time it ended, and which helped put Rev Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof in Senate seats in 2021, thus changing the balance of Congress for the first two years of Biden’s presidency.

In 2022, the same four women and several of the volunteers who had responded to their call the first time around, organized another auction, which raised over quarter of a million dollars more, mostly going to Fair Fight and to Stacey Abrams’ campaign for governor of Georgia. (see footnote 1)

* * * *

The political landscape continues to be dire, and one democratizing tool that helped progressive activists slow down the country’s descent into fascism, has been purposefully destroyed by libertarian-cum-far right-white supremacist billionaires, with wholehearted support of various foreign interests who would rejoice at a second Trump presidency: as a fundraising and awareness raising platform, twitter is nigh useless. (footnote 2)

Enter email and a humble google form: if you are interested in signing up to receive notifications when the auction goes live, and/or if you want to help in any way, and/or if you have items to donate, or all three, you can enter your preferences through this link, and the team behind Romancing the Vote will contact you on the terms you specify there.

The top of the google form in question, it reads:
Romancing the Vote master contact list.
Hello, fans of Democracy! Now that it seems clear that we may keep doing this, we'd like to organize our contact list once and for all. If you'd like to b a part of future auctions (whether as a donor, a bidder, or both!) please fill out this form and let us know when and how to contact you. (bolded) We will not sell, share or transfer your information from this list beyond what is necessary to facilitate auction and fundraising activities! (end bolded, end text)

Go forth, fans of Democracy, let us make history once more.

* * * *

1 The Mary Sue has a decent write up leading to the second auction, here.

2 Much has been written about this, and the people behind Elon Musk’s systematic destruction of the platform (from Peter Thiel to Jamal Khashoggi’s murderer to China’s Xi to Putin); one such piece is here at The Wire:

A paragraph from the link, reading:
"The question is, as the Roman senator put in so many centuries ago, cui bono, who benefits? When the media loses its ability to offer verifiable, trusted information, the public loses its ability to judge the actions of the powerful – particularly governments and large corporations. For Musk, a businessman whose companies are critically reliant on government subsidies (pegged at $4.9 billion in 2015 by the LA Times), maybe it is a tad uncomfortable to have such public scrutiny. Especially so when his actions as a businessman have led to charges of exploitation, sexism, racism and much more."

4 Responses to “Romancing the Vote, 2024 edition”

  1. twooldfartstalkingromance 08/01/2024 at 1:16 PM #

    Thank you for the information. It’s 100% going to be put to use.

  2. Jen 09/01/2024 at 7:17 PM #

    Oh, I think I could help with social media stuff – I don’t have a big presence, but I think I could share stuff on IG, Mastodon, Threads, FB, and BlueSky once and a while – would that be helpful? I’ll sign up if so.

    • azteclady 09/01/2024 at 8:25 PM #

      There is a space in the form for social media helpers (I forget what they call them; I am not part of the team behind #RomancingTheVote, just a fan and donor of small items).

  3. rickrackbooks 22/01/2024 at 4:16 PM #

    Thanks for the info! I’m no longer on Twitter and I hadn’t heard they were starting another one. Going to the page now.

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