Tag Archives: miscarriage / stillbirth

Death on Board, by Pauline Rowson

13 Jun
Cover for _Death on Board_, showing two wood fishing boats pulled on a dark pebbled beach; the background is an expanse of water and a distant coastline, under moody and stormy skies. There's an insinuation of light on the far horizon.

Look at that cover. Of course I had to check out the blurb, and from there to requesting an ARC it was but a very short step.

Beware: phonetic spelling to indicate accents; PTSD, copaganda; miscarriages; death of an infant; depression; mental health issues; suicide on page; sexual coercion/rape; xenophobia; antisemitism.

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Puzzles Can Be Deadly, by David S. Pederson

18 May
Illustrated cover for _Puzzles can be deadly_, showing a red jigsaw puzzle piece upon which two men dressed in suits are standing; the background is black, with an explosion of white centered right behind the men.

A historical quozy mystery! (see footnote 1) The cover and title caught my eye, because I enjoy jigsaw puzzles, and the blurb, as it so often does, clinched it, so I requested and received an ARC.

Beware: death of a child; miscarriages; stillbirth; dementia; mental health issues; elder neglect/abuse; homophobia; sexual abuse/rape; botched back alley abortion.

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Rock Wedding, by Nalini Singh

15 May
Cover for _Rock Wedding_, showing a black and white photograph of a Black man, wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, sitting barefoot at a piano, presumably playing.

When at first you don’t succeed, you slam your head against a wall repeatedly (aka, my second try at SuperWendy’s May TBR Challenge: reading something by an author I had given up on–spoiler: it worked surprisingly well!); this ARC has been sitting unread in my kindle since mid-2016.

Beware: swearing; explicit sex on page; alcoholism; drug addiction; second chance; death of a child (sibling); death of parents; cancer; miscarriage; stillbirth; emotional abuse/manipulation; intimate partner violence; relentless heteronormativity.

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Wealth, greed, bodily autonomy, control.

24 Mar

First, you need to go read this post by Lori Green.

Second, I hope if you are a straight cis man and a) none of what follows applies to you, you will not take it personally; or b) some of what follows touches a nerve, that you sit with the discomfort for a bit and examine why that is.

CW: mention of suicide both there and in this post; mention of miscarriage here; rape; depression.

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